100% Québécois

Des PME offrant des produits et services près de chez vous!

Bottle Source Corporation

Bottle Source Corporation is your go-to supplier for bottles and containers, serving a wide range of industries including food, industrial, health, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical sectors. We pride ourselves on offering a vast selection of quality products, ensuring they meet rigorous standards set by both our customers and internal requirements.
Whether you're in need of standard packaging solutions or something customized, we've got you covered. Our dedicated team is here to provide exceptional service every step of the way, including assistance with labels to help your brand stand-out.
Can't find exactly what you're looking for? No problem! Our experts are ready to work with you to create custom solutions that make your product stand out from the competition. At Bottle Source Corporation, we're committed to quality, innovation, and helping your brand succeed.

Heures d'ouverture

  • LundiFermé
  • MardiFermé
  • MercrediFermé
  • JeudiFermé
  • VendrediFermé
  • SamediFermé
  • DimancheFermé


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